"To live together in unity and love
is our most effective way of preaching the God
who is Himself that unity and love in the Persons of the Holy Trinity."

We try to follow the example of Dominic who was always joyful, kind, compassionate and a pleasant companion to his brothers and sisters. Mindful that all growth in love is mysteriously fruitful for the growth of the whole people of God we make our own Dominic’s constant prayer for this gift of true love.
God the Father said to St Catherine of Siena "I ask you to love me with the same love with which I love you. But for me you cannot do this, for I loved you gratuitously... consequently I have put you among your sisters and brothers so that you can do for them what you cannot do for me, that is love them without any concern for thanks and without looking for any profit for yourself." (cf Dialogue of St Catherine of Siena)
We aim to build in our our own monastery the Church of God and offer our lives for its spread throughout the world.
Our friendship with God becomes flesh and blood in the texture of our community life.
Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP
Telephone: 041 - 983 8524
Charities Registration No.: 20010300
Monastery of St Catherine of Siena
The Twenties,
Co, Louth,
A92 KR84
The Twenties,
Co, Louth,
A92 KR84