Dominican Nuns Ireland

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The Feast of Christ the King

In 1925:
Albania became a republic.
Paul von Hindenburg became the first elected head of state of the Weimar Republic.
Hitler published ‘Mein Kampf.’
John Logie Baird performed the first test of a working television.
‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald; ‘Mrs Dalloway’ by Virginia Woolf; ‘The Everlasting Man’ by G. K. Chesterton; and ‘The ABC of Relativity’ by Bertrand Russell, were among many books to be published.
Marion Harris was singing ‘Tea for two’; and Gene Austin sang, ‘Yes, sir, that’s my baby.’
‘Ben Hur’ was released in cinemas.

And ... In an Encyclical Letter entitled, ‘Quas Primas,’ Pope Pius XI inserted into the Sacred Liturgy, the feast of the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Pope St Paul VI would, during his pontificate, re-name the celebration and raise it to a Solemnity, but as another year draws to a close and as we have celebrated again this great feast, we offer some wisdom from Pope Pius XI’s encyclical – which seem to be as relevant today as they were at the time of his writing them.

Pumpkin Lanterns and Holiness

Our 'kitchen sister' carved a very nice pumpkin head and, as you can see from the photos below, we had a lot of fun with it. But because today (November 1st) is the Feast of All Saints, I was also thinking about what Vatican II speaks of as, "the universal call to holiness". This feast is a reminder that we are all destined to become Saints, to share in the divine life of the Trinity.

Video: Sr M Breidge Making First Profession

A short video clip of Sr Maria Breidge making First Profession as a Dominican Nun in our Monastery.

Due to Covid 19 restrictions her family and friends from County Donegal were unable to be with us and many of our Dominican brethren and sisters – who would normally join us – could not be present. Fr Gerard Dunne, vicar of the Master of the Order for our monastery, officiated at the ceremony, assisted by Fr Paul Clayton-Lea, our good and loyal friend from the diocese.

First Profession of Sr Maria Breidge McLaughlin

On the 7th October our community rejoiced and celebrated with Sr Maria Breidge as she made her first Profession as a Dominican Nun. Due to Covid 19 restrictions her family and friends from County Donegal were unable to be with us and many of our Dominican brethren and sisters – who would normally join us – could not be present. Fr Gerard Dunne, vicar of the Master of the Order for our monastery, officiated at the ceremony, assisted by Fr Paul Clayton-Lea, our good and loyal friend from the diocese.

Vocation Weekends

This is the time of the year when we are usually planning our Vocation Weekends for the Autumn/Winter. Unfortunately due to COVID-19 we are unable to host any Vocation Discernment Weekends for the present. If, however, you are interested in exploring more about our way of life we would be happy to answer your questions or accompany you via (Zoom etc). Depending of the level of interest we could organize a virtual Vocation Weekend with Conferences (Questions and Answers) via Zoom (or Googlemeet).

Fundraising Raffle: 'Hand-knit Noah's Ark'

We are raffling this lovely hand-knit 'Noah's Ark Set' as part of our ongoing fundraising efforts in respect of our Funding Appeal to recover the costs incurred in replacing the Monastery Roof (in 2019) and necessary work on our heating system (including replacing the 230kw central heating boiler in 2020).

The raffle tickets are €5 each and the draw will be held on the Feast of Christ the King (22nd November; in time to make a nice Christmas present for someone).

Items from our 15th of August Art and Craft Display now available for sale

Those of you who admired our art and crafts display on the 15th of August will be pleased to know that most of those items are now available for sale through our online shop. We have kept some of the items to use as gifts etc. If, however, there is something that you particularly wanted and you can't see it in our shop, please don't hesitate to contact us and we will try to facilitate you.
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