17th December - O Wisdom

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17th December - O Wisdom

Dominican Nuns Ireland
Published by Dominican Nuns Ireland in Reflections (Other) · 17 December 2022
Tags: Advent

“O Wisdom,
You come forth from the mouth of the Most    Hight.
You fill the universe
and hold all things together
in a strong yet gentle manner.
O come to teach us the way of truth.”

The first Advent 'O Antiphon', ‘O Wisdom’, is woven from   the book of Wisdom of Sirach (24:3) and the book of Wisdom (8:1). The wisdom that has come from the mouth of the Most High is His Son, the eternal Word of God. As St. John of the Cross say, in this one Word that the Father spoke, there is hidden everything he had to say - all Divine Wisdom. According to it, he created the world, according to it, he rules it and saved it.

God's word written in the Bible is not a word from the past, but a word for today, for the present circumstances, it is a word addressed to me. It is a prudent guide in making every decision, especially in difficulties, in new and unexpected  situations.

Today's Gospel presents us with a long chain of generations that awaited the Messiah: from Abraham to David to Saint Joseph. We were born much later, but we are heirs to the same promise. It is not easy to imagine the feelings of so many generations of the Jewish people awaiting the coming of the Messiah.  

This long list of names has experienced a void for many generations that only a newborn from Bethlehem could fill. . The same longing for salvation is felt by all people today, often without being able to express or understand it.

We all have our family tree. Jesus Christ wanted his own. And in Mary, his Mother, God himself enters the path of humanity, uniting himself with us forever. He takes upon himself the need for hope of all humanity, of all times. In the Incarnation, God does not reject anything human; he takes upon himself the history of each person in order to offer everyone a place in eternal life.

Meanwhile, the first of the Great Antiphons fills us with hope, which results from the fact that the Wisdom of God rules everywhere and everyone. It is not, therefore, that a man finds himself in a situation that leads to nothing and is, as one might say, art for art's sake. Usually it is the person who cannot see what the current situation is supposed to lead him to or what he is supposed to learn.

It's a bit like puzzles. Seeing one block, it often seems to us a tangle of colors and strange shapes, and only when combined with others, it creates a unique overall picture.

Seeking the Wisdom of God is no diferent from what we do when we speak of union with Christ,he is uncreated Wisdom.This communion is not a matter of something sentimental: it is the costly and neverending search for the one who is TRUTH.

Wisdom taught us to live in the NOW and to discover in the present moment the resources and joy that God wanted to give to us.Suspended between the past and the future,we need to be attentive to the sings of God at work in the present. To be able to recognise God’s footpints in our life.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.  But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind’. (James 1:5-6) Asking God for wisdom is evidence that we trust Him.

                                    The road is made by walking...
                               O come Jesus, to teach us the way of truth!


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