Dominican Nuns Ireland

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Dominican Contemplative Nuns
Monastery of St Catherine of Siena
-  Drogheda, Ireland -
The Last Nuns in Ireland?
We thank RTÉ for giving us the chance
to tell our part of the Siena Story.

With a little prayer, a little faith,
and a great deal of grace,
we can  look forward in hope that
"in everything God works for good
with those who love him,
who are called according to his purpose."
(Romans 8:28)

See the full program here.
This is where we, as nuns of the Order of Preachers, find our place – to exist to receive the Word of God, to celebrate it with joy, to ponder it in our hearts and live by it so that all are touched with its saving power.

Spread out beneath the hilltop on the Twenties, the town of Drogheda is marked out at night by its shimmering borders as the lights of the town spring to life - a constant reminder to us to pray for the needs or our people and all those in similar towns and cities in our country and throughout the world.
We try to follow the example of Dominic who was always joyful, kind, compassionate and a pleasant companion to his brothers and sisters. Mindful that all growth in love is mysteriously fruitful for the growth of the whole people of God we make our own Dominic’s constant prayer for this gift of true love.
Sacred Space
While our lives are spent for the most part within the confines of the monastery and its grounds, this hidden life is meant to open our hearts and minds to the breadth, height and depth of the love of God Who sent His Son so that the whole world might be saved through Him.
Further Information
If you are interested in reading more about the Dominican Order or the Catholic faith, we have compiled a list of helpful sites you can visit here.
"If you make my word your home
you will be my disciples;
you will come to know the truth,
and the truth will set you free."

- John 8:31-31 -
Vocation Discernment Weekend: 28th - 30th March 2025
Please feel free to download and share copies of this poster (pdf file available here).
Published by Dominican Nuns Ireland - 1/3/2025
Contact Us
Monastery of St Catherine of Siena
The Twenties,
Co, Louth,
A92 KR84

Telephone: 041 - 983 8524

Charities Registration No.: 20010300

Child Safeguarding
The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (NBSCCCI)
completed and published their review of our Child Safeguarding Practice on Wednesday 2nd December 2015.
Their Report can be found here.
A copy of our child safeguarding policy is available here.

Visit the Monastery
Monastery Chapel:
6.45am - 7.00pm. Daily.
Monastery Reception Shop:
9.45am - 11:45pm & 3:40pm - 5.00pm.
(Or by appointment.)

For Mass & Adoration Times, please click here.

For information on our Retreat House, please click here.

For directions to the Monastery, please click on the map.
©2024 , Dominican Nuns Ireland. All rights reserved. (Created with Incomedia WebSite X5.)
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