Novena to St Catherine - Day 2
“We know that in everything God works for good with those who love Him,
who are called according to His purpose” (Rom 8:28)
With the world as it is these days, and knowing that St Catherine – having lived through a devastating plague – should be a good saint to turn to in a time of distress, I looked about in her ‘Dialogue’ to see what wisdom I might find. And the following – on Divine Providence – seemed to be an answer, so to speak: hopefully offering words of encouragement and of hope. At least, they invite those of us who have faith and hope in God, to see this time as an opportunity for growth in perfection, in self-knowledge and in truth … if we would dare to be so courageous!
The Eternal Father spoke to her:
“… why do I keep this soul, surrounded by so many enemies, in such pain and distress? Not for her to be captured and lose the wealth of grace, but to show her my providence, so that she will trust not in herself, but in me. Then she will rise up from her carelessness, and her concern will make her run for protection to me, her defender; her kind Father; the Provider of her salvation. I want her to be humble, to see that of herself she is nothing, and to recognise that her existence, and every gift beyond that comes from me: that I am her life. She will recognise this life and my providence when she is liberated through these struggles, for I do not let these things last for ever. They come and go as I see necessary for her. Sometimes she will think she is in hell, and then, through no effort of her own, she will be relieved and will have a taste of eternal life. The soul is left serene. What she sees seems to cry out that God is all aflame with loving fire, as she now contemplates my providence. For she sees that she has come [safely] out of this great flood not by any effort of her own. The light came unforeseen. It was not her effort but my immeasurable charity, which wanted to provide for her in time of need when she could scarcely take any more.
Why, when she was faithful to prayer and other necessary things, did I not relieve her with light and take away the darkness? Since she was still imperfect, I did not want her taking credit for what was not hers.
But let her not be so foolish as to fall into confusion and spiritual weariness in time of suffering, or into sadness of heart and lack of effort. This would be dangerous: What I had given her for life would become death and destruction for her. Let her not act like this, but rather with healthy concern and humility let her consider herself unworthy of what she desires when she does not have the consolation she would like. In the light, let her see that virtue … is not lessened in her if she is willing to endure with hunger and patience every suffering, whatever its source, for the glory and praise of my name. In this way she will fulfil my will for her and reap the fruit of perfection. For I have permitted the struggles and … everything else to bring her to the light of perfection.” (cf Dialogue, par.144)